IAU Symposium 301

Precision Asteroseismology

Celebration of the Scientific Opus of Wojtek Dziembowski

19-23 August 2013, Wrocław, Poland


The Symposium proceedings will be published by the IAU publisher, Cambridge University Press. The Proceedings will be published within six months after the Symposium. Since the Press needs three months for its processing of a complete Proceedings manuscript, the Editors have the first three months after their Symposium to complete their editing task. This requires that all Authors have to deliver their completed manuscripts as soon as possible after the Symposium and no later than the deadline (September 15, 2013).

The page limits are the following:

All authors are requested to complete an IAU Copyright Form. This can be done on-line before the submission of the paper using the form available at: www.iau.org/science/publications/copyrightform

The published papers should be sent by the deadline (September 15) to Andrzej Pigulski (), preferably as a single archive file containing LaTeX source and figures in the EPS format. In order to avoid confusion, please, name all files with your last name, e.g. Smith.tex, Smith-Fig1.eps, etc.

The IAU wishes to have a fixed appearance of its Proceedings and so it is not allowed to change font sizes and layout in the author's style file. To facilitate the production process authors are strongly recommended to use the graphicx package and EPS files for figures. The LaTeX template files are found in the file directory for Authors: http://www.iau.org/static/scientific_meetings/authors/. Please, note, that the figures must be comprehensible when printed in black and white (they will appear in color only in the on-line version). References to colors in a text or a caption are then not allowed.

All submitted papers have to have an abstract. There is a keyword file (keywords.txt) that can be used to select several relevant keywords, but any non-listed keyword can also be used. It is recommended to select some keywords, but it is not required to include them.

Arrangements for Authors and Editors for the publication of Proceedings of IAU Symposia are summarized in www.iau.org/static/scientific_meetings/authors/IAU_combinst_20121209.pdf.

Editors of Proceedings